
Error : Unsupported marker type

Opened this issue · 4 comments

22dm commented

I got error "Unsupported marker type" when I try to open photos taken by my new phone, this is a simple.
I have googled it but got nothing.

This is really weird. I am able to open the image just fine if I use


but not if I do

loader = GdkPixbuf.PixbufLoader()
with open("path_to_image", "rb") as f:

This looks like a bug in the PixbufLoader class to me.
https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=768639 seems like the same problem, the bug report hasn't had any activity in quite a while though.

I don't want to drop using the loader as it allows asynchronous loading but if I find some type of workaround I will definitely implement it. Should probably report upstream in some way as well.

22dm commented

How about use the first one if the loader don't work? It would make vimiv usable before upsteam fix the bug.

As mentioned before, I do not want to drop the loader completely as it allows async loading of images which is especially useful for large gif files.

The commit linked above hopefully fixes this using a rather ugly wrapper...

22dm commented

I just mean that. I tried it and it works very fine, thanks. 😄