
Printing support

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I haven't been able to figure out how to send an image to the printer from vimiv. I guess a :hardcopy command needs to be added?

I haven't looked at Gtk3 in a while, but possibly, it should provide support for printing (or this could be part of the features set for the Qt rewrite?)

This shouldn't be too difficult as both frameworks provide printing support. Although I would go the "easy" route and simply show the standard print dialog which would then have to be navigated by the mouse, similar to what the pdf viewer zathura does.

I will add it to the feature list of the rewrite. Unfortunately I won't be working much on this in the next two months as I have a thesis to complete...

๐Ÿ‘ Awesome---that makes sense. Yeh, I have a thesis to write too ๐Ÿ˜† I'll keep an eye out for the new re-write (would you do it in a new branch) and help out where possible. Thanks again :)

The re-write currently exists in a private repo as the code is horribly unfinished. I will make it public as soon as it is somewhat usable and can then give you a quick heads up if you like. Thanks for offering your help!

I didn't want to do it in a new branch as the two codes would not share code history anyway and I may want to keep the then more or less unmaintained Gtk version for those who do not want to go with Qt only doing major bugfixes.

Closing as this has already been implemented in the Qt port and no new features will be implemented here. Hope this works well for you :)