
Change sorting method in Vimiv

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have some files in a directory. In e.g. file explorer Thunar they are sorted in this order:


In most image viewer, when I open the image w100.jpg, the next image is Whatsapp.jpg to be displayed.
In vimiv, when I view w100.jpg file. Then the next image to be shown will be w10.jpg. I would expect the file Whatsapp.jpg in alphabetically order. the The way vimiv select the next image in line is very confusing.

For the other fileviewer like feh, you can change the sorting option with the -S/--sort option according to their manual. Would it be possible to enable logical sorting in vimiv, or adjust it via configuration?

Hey and thanks for your interest in vimiv!

In case you are actually still using the Gtk version, this will unfortunately not be implemented here. We made the switch to Qt a while ago and are only actively improving this version with limited time, sorry for that.

New features are thus only worked on in the Qt port. If you are able to make the switch (the Qt version has a bunch of improvements!), this is actually already implemented with the sort.image_order and sort.directory_order settings.

There is some more information on migrating available in the documentation as well. Hope this helps!