
Konstig is a trigonometric strange attractor generator.

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This project is a work in progress. The implementation is incomplete and subject to change. The documentation can be inaccurate.


Konstig is a trigonometric strange attractor generator. It's name is simply weird, or strange, in Swedish.


go get github.com/karlek/konstig/cmd/konstig

Generate an image

$ konstig -a 4.663414 -b 1.502477 -c 3.351885 -d 2.894832 -i 1000000 -z 400 -w 5000 -h 5000 -f1 0.005 -f2 0.005 -f3 0.005 -p1 0 -p2 2 -p3 8 -o out.png


xn+1 = sin(y*b) + c*sin(x*b)
yn+1 = sin(x*a) + d*sin(y*a)


  • a, b, c, d:
    A-,B-,C-,D-coefficient, see formula above.
  • i:
    Number of iterations performed.
  • f1, f2, f3:
    Color frequency.
  • p1, p2, p3:
    Color phases.
  • z:
    Zoom value. How many magnifications to make on the center point.
  • o:
    Output filename.
  • w, h:
    Width and height of created image.


Some pretty examples.

a = 1.364325
b = 0.441972
c = 3.868827
d = 4.301396

A strange attractor which looks like a paint brush

a = 0.860540
b = 1.602272
c = 4.690712
d = 2.123729

A strange attractor looking like a blanket of silk

All images were created with:

$ konstig

Public domain

I hereby release this code into the public domain.