
Ideas: visualize HPI data in a dashboard

karlicoss opened this issue · 2 comments

For quantified self stuff some heavy manipulation with pandas is usually necessary (e.g. I'm doing this in my dashboard), so I doubt a general purpose web dashboard would cover it (unless it support JS snippets, which would be very helpful!). But it would be cool to have a quick way of overviewing/visualizing/aggregating data in the browser even if it's not perfect.

Quick googling results in:

Both of them rely on some database (e.g. sqlite). While it's a bit inconvenient, probably good enough as the first order approximation. Since I'm extensively using NamedTuples/dataclasses, it's possible to adapt the data automatically without any boilerplate. In addition, cachew already dumps sqlite databases, which can be used as input data.

It would be also cool to have a native app (less hassle + better performance), but I'm not sure how to even start googling for that.

Related: KrauseFx/FxLifeSheet#34 (I think we have similar goals!)

Started integrating with influxdb & Grafana, works pretty well for time series-like stuff


Lines 194 to 220 in 6d9bc29

def fill_influxdb() -> None:
from itertools import islice
from .core.common import asdict
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient # type: ignore
client = InfluxDBClient()
db = 'db'
mname = __name__.replace('.', '_')
client.delete_series(database=db, measurement=mname)
def dissoc(d, k):
del d[k]
return d # meh
jsons = ({
'measurement': mname,
# todo maybe good idea to tags with database file/name? to inspect inconsistencies etc..
# 'tags': {'activity': e.activity},
'time': e.dt.isoformat(),
'fields': dissoc(asdict(e), 'dt'),
} for e in measurements())
from more_itertools import chunked
# "The optimal batch size is 5000 lines of line protocol."
# some chunking is def necessary, otherwise it fails
for chunk in chunked(jsons, n=5000):
cl = list(chunk)
logger.debug('writing next chunk %s', cl[-1])
client.write_points(cl, database=db)
# todo "Specify timestamp precision when writing to InfluxDB."?




Lines 85 to 109 in 6239879

def fill_influxdb() -> None:
from .core.common import asdict
from influxdb import InfluxDBClient # type: ignore
client = InfluxDBClient()
db = 'db'
measurement = __name__.replace('.', '_')
client.delete_series(database=db, measurement=measurement)
# client.drop_database(db)
# todo create if not exists?
# client.create_database(db)
# todo handle errors.. not sure how? maybe add tag for 'error' and fill with emtpy data?
vit = (e for e in entries() if isinstance(e, Entry))
jsons = ({
'measurement': measurement, # hmm, influx doesn't like dots?
# hmm, so tags are autoindexed and might be faster?
# not sure what's the big difference though
# "fields are data and tags are metadata"
'tags': {'activity': e.activity},
'time': e.dt.isoformat(),
'fields': {'duration_s': e.duration_s},
# todo asdict(e),
} for e in vit)
# todo do we need to batch?
client.write_points(jsons, database=db)

