This is a raw plaintext export for my blog,

Note that due to Github’s inconsistencies at rendering org-mode, not everything might render correctly.

You can also clone this repository and browse the blog in Emacs.

Extra pages: IDEAS | TAGS | SITE

[2020-05-30 Sat] Promnesia #promnesia #pkm

A journey in fixing browser history

Featuring Roam Research

Or yet another rant about YAML

My life in a Python package

How to export, access and own your personal data with minimal effort

Parse, don’t normalize

What if cron and systemd had a baby? Wouldn’t it be beautiful?

How I am using 50+ sources of my personal data

Why can’t we have nice digital things?

[2019-11-19 Tue] Scrapyroo #infra #scraping #rust #selfhosted

How I was unhappy about Deliveroo search and implemented my own

Overview of search tools for desktop and mobile; using Emacs and Ripgrep as desktop search engine

mypy assisted error handling, exception mechanisms in other languages, fun with pattern matching and type variance

[2019-10-05 Sat] Using Orger to populate your tasks list #orgmode #productivity #orger

Reading Reddit, building spaced repetition queue and quick todos from Telegram messages

Mirror your personal data as org-mode for instant access and search

How I really wanted Spacemacs everywhere and my wish came true thanks to Docker

Comprehensive overview of existing tools, strategies and thoughts on interacting with your data

[2019-05-13 Mon] How to cope with having a fleshy human brain #pkm #orgmode #learning

My personal knowledge setup

[2019-05-12 Sun] Don’t shoot the artist #art

How I visited a contemporary art museum and didn’t get it

[2019-04-18 Thu] On cognitive demand of recycling #recycling #environment

So many questions, so few answers