
Language change for ZUTBeamer?

Ceebs93 opened this issue · 2 comments


Sorry to bother you with something so small but I can't seem to find a way to change the language used by ZUTBeamer to english, so that \supervisor would output supervisor and not promoter etc. I tried the most obvious thing first, removing the line " \usepackage[main=polish]{babel}" Which worked for basic commands such as \date but not for others such as \supervisor. Is the language built into these commands (which I assume you defined as part of the template?), I can't see anything that seems relevant to it in beamerthemezut.sty.

Kind regards,

Thanks for finding this! You are correct. Currently, those texts are hardcoded into the template. As a quick fix, you can change \supervisor prefix from "Promotor" to your language in file zutbeamer/beamerinnerthemezutbeamer.sty. The same goes for changing \goal prefix.

In the same file, you can change paths to logos used in the sidebar.

Ah thank-you! I really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly!