
0.10.x breaks ng-html2js-preprocessor

JoshSchreuder opened this issue · 5 comments

Just tried updating to 0.10.0 / 0.10.1 from 0.8.3 which fail to work as I'm using ng-html2js-preprocessor.

Rolling back to 0.9.0 works correctly as per 0.8.x behaviour.

I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but I think it is something to do with this commit: @a10aaa7548267ab035f8f4689eb54b2ead9245ef

If I specify preprocessors in my grunt config:

preprocessors: {
     'modules/**/*.js': ['coverage'],
     'modules/**/*.html': ['ng-html2js']

The template loading in my tests fails (the preprocessor is supposed to load templates into an Angular module) and therefore a bunch of my tests break.

If I specify the above preprocessors in my Karma config, it works correctly, so I suspect there is something wrong with the above commit.

Could you set the log level to debug and show me the output before and after please?

Got the same problem on 0.11.1. Karma preprocessors just don't get executed. Rolling back to 0.9.0.

Same issue

Same issue here, I'm investigating it and will try to submit a PR.

OK found it.
In my karma options, I was setting basePath: '../' but this was not used in the commit mentioned above.