
Could not connect to XMPP_SERVER: dial tcp: i/o timeout

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi everyone,
I deployed Jitsi on my Kubernetes cluster.
Jicofo - Prosody - Web containers are deployed in same pod (supposed as jitsi-server pod), and jvb container is in another pod.
I used a Service (name: prosody) to expose jitsi-server pod, so XMPP_SERVER in my case is prosody."namespace".svc.cluster.local
I deployed jitsi-prom-exporter in another pod and connect to XMPP_SERVER (prosody."namespace".svc.cluster.local).
It is succeded to connect but few minutes later, I received an error:
Could not connect to server prosody.jitsi.svc.cluster.local:5222: dial tcp: i/o timeout

It is disconnected and reconnected multiple times.

Anyone have the same issue? and is there a solution for this?

Thanks in advance for your response and sorry for my english grammar.


I have the same problem running the exporter locally on the docker.

Attaching to jitsi_exporter
jitsi_exporter    | starting streammanger
jitsi_exporter    | Could not connect to server dial tcp i/o timeout
jitsi_exporter    | exiting
jitsi_exporter    | Could not connect to server dial tcp i/o timeout
jitsi_exporter    | exiting
jitsi_exporter exited with code 0

Docker image version:
