
Error message with drop_auth()

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am trying to use rdrop2 for the first time. I followed the instructions on github but I keep getting this error message when I try to run drop_auth():

Invalid redirect_uri. When response_type=code, redirect_uri must start with "https://", unless it's a localhost URI

When this command is run from RStudio a web page opens and I get the error message above. I am logged in into my dropbox account on the same browser.

Apparently this has to do with httpuv not being installed on my system. Problem solved after installing httpuv

what is httpuv?

@UlrikeNaumann it's an R package, and a (suggested) dependency of the httr package we use in rdrop2, which we might need a harder dependency on. Github page here: https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv

Confirming that install of httr was the missing ingredient for me as well. Would be in favor of a harder dependency