
XLIFF localization files not available on localize.typo3.org

mindpilot opened this issue · 6 comments

(German) translation can not be fetched (anymore) under https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/d/i/direct_mail-l10n/direct_mail-l10n-de.zip

https://crowdin.com/profile/TYPO3 shows no entry for direct_mail.

I'm on it

@daffyduck82: since the crowdin.yml in direct_mail was created by you, did you create directmail project in crowdin? In TYPO3 Slack just got report, that there's a project named typo3-extension-directmail but it's not in TYPO3 project.

if there's a project in your crowdin account, could you please remove it? thank you

See 3ea6784

@kartolo deleted, it was for testing


@kartolo deleted, it was for testing

Thank you for quick response. I clear this with TYPO3 team.

crowdin project is created, integration is done. Since DE translation was never added in repository, this is missing in crowdin.


  • create DE translation in crowdin
  • cleanup translated locallang from repository