XLIFF localization files not available on localize.typo3.org
mindpilot opened this issue · 6 comments
mindpilot commented
(German) translation can not be fetched (anymore) under https://localize.typo3.org/xliff/d/i/direct_mail-l10n/direct_mail-l10n-de.zip
https://crowdin.com/profile/TYPO3 shows no entry for direct_mail
kartolo commented
I'm on it
kartolo commented
@daffyduck82: since the crowdin.yml in direct_mail was created by you, did you create directmail project in crowdin? In TYPO3 Slack just got report, that there's a project named typo3-extension-directmail but it's not in TYPO3 project.
if there's a project in your crowdin account, could you please remove it? thank you
See 3ea6784
kartolo commented
kartolo commented
kartolo commented
crowdin project is created, integration is done. Since DE translation was never added in repository, this is missing in crowdin.
- create DE translation in crowdin
- cleanup translated locallang from repository