
Install NodeJS on Debian/Ubuntu using Ansible

Primary LanguageShell


Install NodeJS on Ubuntu/Debian machine using official NodeJS setup script

Warning If you have already installed NodeJS on your system in another way than the official Debian/Ubuntu setup script (by compiling it yourself or using binaries), you would better clean up your system prior to executing this playbook. Any feedback on this matter would be appreciated.


Name Default value Description
nodejs_version stable NodeJS version to be installed. Can be latest, stable or lts. See n package
npm_version latest NPM version to install. Can be latest or a specific version (eg 3.3.6) Note that NPM installs itself
npm_packages empty List of packages to check for global presence. Should be a YAML array.


Simplest way to include this role to your playbook :

- hosts: localhost
     - { role: kartsims.nodejs }

You can also include some vars as per the available variables described above.

Note that privilege escalation is included in the role itself, sudo will be applied to all npm install calls).



Known issues

This has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Should work on other recent versions smoothly but let me know if it doesn't.

I would be happy to adapt this role to other platforms. If you are interested in such feature, please create an issue or, even better, a pull request :)