
Dropdown notification close itself when right click link on Firefox

Closed this issue · 7 comments

When using Firefox, dropdown notification will close itself when right click the link
However this problem is not happened on other browser

Can you verify that this is specific to the Bootstrap theme?

Yes I see this issue too.

Is the behaviour also observed when the default theme is used?

You mean Bootstrap Standard in theme options? Yes it happens with that one as well. And it happens only when you right click on a link. It doesn't happen when you right click on normal text.

I mean the Vanilla default theme. This is to check if the issue is specific to the Bootstrap theme and not Vanilla in general.

Ah okay it happens with the Vanilla default theme and on vanillaforums.org as well. So I guess you're using the Vanilla way to display dropdowns and not the Bootstrap way?

Yep, all dropdowns are handled by Vanilla. Closing as a non-theme issue.