Errors when exiting NeoVim.
Closed this issue · 4 comments
inputfalken commented
OS: Windows 10
I get this error whenever I quit NeoVim with a neoterm as the active buffer.
Error detected while processing function <SNR>93_UpdateMatches[1]..provider#python3#Call:
line 18:
Invalid channel: 1
I also get this error when I exit NeoVim and a neoterm has been activated. Including in the scenario above.
Pattern not found: neoterm.last_active = 0
kassio commented
- The first error message seems to be from another plugin, since neoterm don't have any functions with that name.
- The second error, can you try update to the last version with a minimum vimrc to see if it still happening?
inputfalken commented
Thanks for the response,
I tried starting NeoVim with the following .vimrc
set rtp+=~/.vim
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'kassio/neoterm'
call plug#end()
and i still get this:
Pattern not found: neoterm.last_active = 0
inputfalken commented
I do this in order to get Pattern not found...
nvim '-c T pwsh.exe' '-c q'
It also happens if i use other commands with T
kassio commented
Thanks @juanibiapina!