
vim session issues persisting tab-local terminals in neoterm

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devth commented

I'm using https://github.com/tpope/vim-obsession to auto track sessions in vim. Found 2 issues with neoterm integration:

When I reopen nvim with a session that had 2 tabs, each with its own tab-local terminal:

  • neooterm does not recognize the tab, so :Ntoggle opens a new term instead of toggling the term that was restored by the session
  • The term in the 2nd tab pwd does not match the 2nd tab's tab-local working directory. Instead both terminals pwd matches the first tab's working directory. Maybe this is more of a neovim problem?

I don't think this has an easy solution. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I'd be able to track the term opened with vim-obsession to be managed by neoterm. Currently, neoterm can only manage terms that it opens during a session.
For my environment, I mapped to close all the terminals before saving a session to avoid unmanagable terminals.

I didn't try with vim-obsession, but the last commit enables neoterm to manage term's saved on vim's sessions.