After upgrade to HEAD, i got this error.
markwu opened this issue · 5 comments
I get this error only in macvim (8.1-1722), not in neovim HEAD.
Error detected while processing /Users/mark/.vim/bundle/neoterm/plugin/neoterm.vim:
line 136:
E216: No such group or event: TermOpen * call neoterm#new_from_event()
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Sorry about that, I'll investigate it later today.
Hi @kassio:
Thanks for fixing this problem, but I have a question about this feature.
It seems you plan to let neoterm
manage all terminal open. What if I don't want neoterm to manage my specific terminal buffer? For example fzf.vim I use it for fuzzy finder like ctrlp
I have the following mappings only for neoterm buffer, it works great before this feature:
augroup NeotermSetup
autocmd FileType neoterm tnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Esc> <C-\><C-N>
autocmd FileType neoterm nmap <silent> <buffer> q :quit!<CR>
augroup END
With this TermOpen
feature, neoterm will pollute my <esc>
mapping in fzf buffer. It original maps to quit fzf buffer, instead of back to normal mode.
how do I avoid this happened? It's a little bit annoying. Can I have a buffer exclude list or something to avoid neoterm manage my specific terminal buffer?
Thanks, Mark
So, the intention was to be able to handle session saved terminals. I'll do some investigation and see how to accomplish that without messing with fzf and other types of terminals.
It shouldn't be a problem now, I'm scoping the TermOpen
to handle only neoterm
It works great. Thanks.