[help needed] send code block that contains blank lines to python/ipython.
Closed this issue ยท 8 comments
class MyClass:
variable = "blah"
def function(self):
print("This is a message inside the class.")
myobjectx = MyClass()
and executing :TREPLSendSelection<CR>
, give
>>> class MyClass:
... variable = "blah"
>>> def function(self):
File "<stdin>", line 1
def function(self):
IndentationError: unexpected indent
>>> print("This is a message inside the class.")
File "<stdin>", line 1
print("This is a message inside the class.")
IndentationError: unexpected indent
>>> myobjectx = MyClass()
In [1]: class MyClass:
...: variable = "blah"
In [2]: def function(self):
...: print("This is a message inside the class.")
In [3]: myobjectx = MyClass()
In [4]:
This problem appeared many times, e.g.,
There were also some pull requests relating to this problem, e.g.
The same approach as #234 is used in the plguin urbainvaes/vim-ripple
My question is,
- Will bracketed pasted be implemented in the future, or will #234 be merged?
- If no, are there any workaround for this problem?
Thanks a lot!
I had a similar problem. I also tested many other REPL for python programming in neovim and think that neoterm is best suited for my workflow. I just added these two functions:
" Paste Textblock between two marks to neoterm (like in matlab or spyder)
function! s:PasteCell()
let l:pattern = '^#%%'
let l:start = search(l:pattern, 'Wb') + 1
let l:end = search(l:pattern,'W') - 1
if l:end == -1
let l:end = line('$')
let lines = getline(start,end)
call setreg('+', lines, 'l')
1T %paste
command! -nargs=* PasteCell call s:PasteCell()
" Start a python REPL within a venv and run the script
function! s:RunIPython()
let l:file = expand('%')
if g:neoterm.has_any()
silent! 1T %reset -f
vert 1T conda activate py3conda
silent! 1T python -c 'import subprocess; subprocess.call("ipython")' --no-banner --no-confirm-exit --quick --quiet
silent! 1Tclear
exec "1T %run " . l:file
command! -nargs=* RunIPython call s:RunIPython()
I would like to integrate this directly into neoterm, but I don't know the programming language and the code base well enough. This code is not really stable or flexible. However, the cell mode can be adapted to suit your problem:
function! s:get_visual_selection()
"cp https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1533565/how-to-get-visually-selected-text-in-vimscript
let [line_start, column_start] = getpos("'<")[1:2]
let [line_end, column_end] = getpos("'>")[1:2]
let lines = getline(line_start, line_end)
if len(lines) == 0
return ''
let lines[-1] = lines[-1][: column_end - (&selection == 'inclusive' ? 1 : 2)]
let lines[0] = lines[0][column_start - 1:]
call setreg('+', lines, 'l')
1T %paste
command! -nargs=* PasteVisualSel call s:get_visual_selection()
You can map the Commands like PasteVisualSel to any key.
I am currently working on a pull request on this topic. This is my first contact with github and vim scripting. I don't know the rules, but I think this is a good place to start. What do I have to consider?
Will bracketed pasted be implemented in the future, or will #234 be merged?
#234 got stale, is someone get it updated it can be merged.
If no, are there any workaround for this problem?
tbh, I don't know. I have almost no knowledge on python, so I'm expecting the community to contribute and fix/implement this.
What do I have to consider?
You can open the pull request with your initial ideas and we can go from that. The architecture of the plugin shouldn't be too complex. Vim/Neovim documentation is very thorough, so it can be very helpful.
You can open the pull request with your initial ideas and we can go from that. The architecture of the plugin shouldn't be too complex. Vim/Neovim documentation is very thorough, so it can be very helpful.
Yes that's true. Nevertheless, for me these are quite a few new topics. So far I'm only used to a little python programming on windows without using any git. The help files are awesome .... steep learning curve :)
@kassio , @incoggnito
Thanks for your great effort, I've tested on my machine. And it works. However, personally I do not like this hack by filtering out all the blank lines. I would agree with @randy3k that bracketed paste mode would be a better solution: it may also solve similar problems for other interactive interpreter say for R and there would be no need to change the default ipython behavior by hardcoding the --no-autoindent
For ipython only, the %paste
magic command is nice.
Anyway, for now it meets my need. Thanks so much. If later I have time on this, I may try to contribute to it. I just close the issue for now.