Term change size after extra window appear
mmazz opened this issue · 0 comments
Describe the bug
I'm using DWM. When I plot something in python using Ipython in one terminal and nvim in the other, the plot appear in an external window with full width. The problem is that when i quit that window, the neoterm for some reason expands.
If I change the way that this external window appear, like with no full width and floating, this problem dissapear. So it's not an urgent problem, but it make me intrigue.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Opened a neoterm shortcut with
- Start ipython --no-autoindent
- Send code for plot in python
- Close the plot
- The width of the terminal change.
Here is how I do it with a dummy example, and how it's look at the end.
Versions (Issues without this information will take longer to be answered/solved):
- OS: Arch Linux, 5.15.5
- neoterm commit master/e78179a
filetype off
let &runtimepath.=',~/.vim/bundle/neoterm'
filetype plugin on
let g:neoterm_bracketed_paste=1
let g:neoterm_size=70
let g:neoterm_default_mod = 'vertical'
let g:neoterm_autoscroll=1
let g:neoterm_direct_open_repl=1
" Calling :Tclose or :Ttoggle kills the terminal
let g:neoterm_keep_term_open=1
- Vim or Neovim
- [ ] vim
- [X] neovim
- 0.6