
Streamline local setup process in README

Closed this issue · 3 comments

First off, this is a lovely project 🐶

When cloning this I noticed a couple of steps in the local environment setup could be streamlined some.

  • When a user does ruby -v, this is going to show the ruby version they currently have globally set. This project's .ruby-version file will automatically tell rbenv (or rvm) to use the required version of Ruby when the user is in this project. This means that devs don't necessarily have to have their global version set to 3.1.1, they just have to have that version installed and available for their version management tool to use. With rbenv, this means running rbenv versions and checking that 3.1.1 is in the list, and with rvm, running rvm list rubies and checking for the same.
  • These three commands here can all be run together with just a rails db:setup

Would love to make a PR if that all seems fine with you.

Yes, please do! Thank you for catching this and reporting the issue. It's a more accurate description of what needs to be checked re the Ruby version.

Also @JoshDevHub, for my curiosity, how did you find this repo? I am happy you did.

Also @JoshDevHub, for my curiosity, how did you find this repo? I am happy you did.

I watched the code review you had with Jason Swett, and I thought it looked like a really interesting project. It was easy to find with a little searching.