Fair Trade Coffee dApp is the supply chain project given as part of the Udacity Blockchain Developer Nano-Degree Program
- Node v16.13.1
- Solidity v0.8.10
- Truffle v5.5.6
- Truffle Assertions v0.9.2 - Used to easily assert events on the ethereum blockchain during unit testing
- Truffle HD Wallet Provider v1.0.17 - HD wallet enabled Web3 provider used for deploying the contract on to the live networks
- Truffle Plugin Verify v0.5.24 - Used to automatically verify the contracts on the live networks
- dotenv v16.0.0 - Used to manage secrets as local environment variables
The web3 frontend is not deployed to the IPFS network
- On the project root run
npm install
- On the root directory and run
truffle develop
to run the local ganache blockchain - To compile the contracts run
- To run the migrations run
migrate --reset
- To run the unit tests run
- To run the frontend, run
npm run serve
to run the webpack dev server. - Navigate to
to see the application running.
- Transaction Hash: 0xec8157747e840737352b720271f43bfdfe402935fc323c5ddffaa7c2d97018b8
- Transaction Link: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/tx/0xec8157747e840737352b720271f43bfdfe402935fc323c5ddffaa7c2d97018b8
- Contract Address: 0x50bA6ba53E8a11Cc710173d3afe0c8dC1E50b257
- Etherscan URL: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x50ba6ba53e8a11cc710173d3afe0c8dc1e50b257