Katalon HTML Reports Combiner
RamazanBiyik77 opened this issue · 2 comments
I run tests on KRE. I run a test suit collection and reports generated for every test suit. I have almost 10 html report for a test suit collection. Can you add a plugin to combine that html reports inside a html report file?
I cant use junit file. I need to share that reports on html format.
Or is there any otherway to do that?
I tried to convert junit file to html with junit2html python package but file is broken on formating.
I am also facing same issue can you please suggest something please!!!!
I parsed all html files. It is well formetted xml so dont worry about it. I changed my job so didnt interested a bit about that topic.. But as i can remember. There was a file that all html reports file path was inside that file at XML format. So first parse that file to find report files path. You can find test suit cases name by looking report file name. (I dont remember its extension). After finding the path and name of the report, parse the report file one by one. Looking for all the html reports on a path with find *.html probably will not work. So you need to find overall report file. Then combine them :).