
What about fixed height ktd-grid and resize within each item?

irustm opened this issue · 5 comments

It's a good feature, simple to add and aligned with the project philosophy. Said that, in this grid solution there is no 'grid type', there are just cols and rowHeight. Cols fit by default, because is a relative value, but not rowHeight.

We should maybe allow the user to put another value in rowHeight that are not CSS pixels, for example rowHeight = 'fit'. This would work and would make the grid layout fit in it's space. There is also the possibility to make rowHeight optional and if not provided just fit, but I am more with the first one.

What are your thoughts? @irustm

rowHeight = 'fit' Looks good)

@llorenspujol I was taking a look into this library and rowHeight = 'fit' is a requirement since our layout uses css grid. It would be really helpful and a great feature if you implemented this since other libraries don't have this. Just curious what exactly it would take to implement this feature?

@andrewpolemeni The feature itself doesn't require much changes in the code, since it just changes how the rowHeight is calculated. Said that, I tested it a little bit, and I find it a little confusing compared to the current grid purpose.

I would like to know your exact use case, do you expect rowHeight = 'fit' to work equal like gridster2 Grid Types= fit? You can test it here: https://tiberiuzuld.github.io/angular-gridster2/gridTypes

Right now with the small test I did, it does so, works like in gridster2. But as I said, I found it a bit of an edge case. The fact that a grid item rezise or move can make all other grid items to change its size is a strange behavior IMO. So, would be nice to know your use case more detailed, and see if rowHeight = 'fit' can be finally included and how.

@llorenspujol It's basically the default behavior of css grid. When it builds the grid, it takes the item where the row = 1.. whatever item is at 1 row height and is the largest item in the grid, that's the default height of every row so if we have an item with row = 2, it would be double that largest item that is set to 1.


  • No defined heights since we want ccs grid to determine that for us.
  • Also being able to constrain it to a certain column count (that way the grid height doesn't change). Would be great to make this optional to set the column count or else it goes to default behavior.