
disambiguate connection indicator/toggle

leif opened this issue · 2 comments

leif commented

Currently there is a button on the home screen with a sort of wifi-looking icon which indicates if the application is connected to the network. Clicking the button toggles the user's desired connected state.

This button/indicator can be in three states:

  1. Connected
  2. Disconnected, and trying to (re)connect
  3. Disconnected, and not trying to connect (offline mode)

Clicking the button toggles between state 1-or-2 and state 3, but the icon currently looks the same in state 2 and state 3. This means that, when in state 2 or 3, the only way to know if clicking the button is initiating or canceling a connection attempt is to click it and wait to see if it connects.

One solution could be adding 3rd icon, but @mixmasala suggests using an animation for state 2 (trying to connect).

leif commented

there is a wip fix for this in #24

thanks for porting these issues and updating them.