
Provide ZIP download of just Java and C++ artifacts

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The current download includes a setup.exe executable that extracts and installs the navX-MXP software and libraries, but this works only on Windows. Users that are on MacOS or Linux do not have a way of accessing the library files for Java and C++.

Please provide a second downloadable ZIP file that includes only the library files and examples for Java and C++ (really, everything already in the java and cpp directories created in the installation by the current installer) but can be used by anyone running Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

Closing as "already-implemented".

@sciencewhiz, @kauailabs Great to see! Perhaps it'd be useful to add a link to the Java page.

The existing ZIP is for the official release, and I don't see a download for the beta version. Any idea when the beta version will be released and available this way?

Release is planned for this Friday; other cool stuff is coming, so stay tuned to ChiefDelphi or @kauailabs twitter/Facebook accounts.

I'll look into adding links to the Linux/MacOS libraries for Java and C++ on those respective pages, thanks for the suggestion.


@kauailabs Any idea why a build of mine on Travis-CI might get a 403 Forbidden while trying to get http://www.kauailabs.com/public_files/navx-mxp/navx-mxp-libs.zip when that same build can get to other web resources (like https:github.com and http://first.wpi.edu)? Same build runs fine locally, and my laptop can download that ZIP file just fine. Might some IP addresses under Amazon's EC2 ranges (which travis-ci.com uses) be blocked by kauailabs.com?