
Detect back button event in android

wallace7souza opened this issue · 4 comments

There is a way to handle back button event?

My class extends GetView but I don't know how to implement it when the user tap the back button on the device.

Good morning Wallace.
The use of Get.back () serves this purpose.
But you have to make sure that the previous page is still accessible, that is, you have gone to the current one with Get.toNamed () or Get.to () for example.

An example of a button that I use globally when I need a backbutton in my apps.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:get/get.dart';
import 'package:xxx/theme/colors_theme.dart';

class CustomButtonBack extends Container {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return IconButton(
        icon: Icon(
          color: mainColor,
          size: 40,
        onPressed: () => Get.back());

It wouldn't work If you used Get.offAllNamed () for example, which removes previous pages from the stack,
Now if you’re talking about the phone’s native back button, you should look for something like this .

Hi Kaue! Thanks for helping! I meant when the user uses the device back button. I would like to alert the user that is leaving the scene with possible lost data and confirm if he really wants this action.

Got it, forgive the mistake.
This can certainly be controlled by get, even using the get dialog, but the event must be captured by the flutter. including in the video I sent you or in some suggested, I saw just that. very quiet to do. Any questions we are here, thanks for contributing.

that explanation addresses just that. you can control this decision state with get, even using the get dialog. But there is no function or method for this controlle in get.