Screenshots: Home Page: image Create a new task image Edit your task image Delete your task image Search your tasks: image Sorting: image

Video Demo

Tech Stack:

  • Node/Express
  • MongoDB
  • ShadCN/Tailwind

Tools Used:

  • Postman
  • VS Code


The routes are shown in the image below:



Keep Track of:

  • Pending tasks
  • Completed tasks
  • Plan your day

Just update every transaction you do at Fintrack and know where your money is.


Structure of our schema is as follows: image

Folder Structure

        - components
          - auth
          - pages
          - ui
        - redux
        - hooks
        - libs
        - services
        - types


The styling is done using ShadCN and tailwind.


shadcn: For UI components

react-date-picker: For date picker component

react-beautiful-dnd - For drad and drop

axios - For making api calls


For voosh-task-manager:

  1. npm i or npm install : For installing all the dependencies.
  2. npm start : Will run the app on localhost:3000

For task-manager-server:

  1. npm i : For installing all the dependencies.
  2. npm run start : Will run the server on localhost:3000
  3. npm run test : Will run the tests.

Future scops:

Allowing user to create account , add user and tag user. Push notifications when card moves from one board to another.