
A custom Terminal & IntelliJ theme (inspired by PatMurrayDEV -> Apple's WWDC 2017 session slides)

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

San Jose theme (for Terminal & IntelliJ)

A custom Terminal and Intellij theme inspired by PatMurrayDEV -> inspired by Apple's WWDC 2017 session slides

preview on IntelliJ

preview on Terminal

Build Your Own? Here's the Colours!

🙏 PatMurrayDEV for this

Color Table (Click to expand)

Component / Element Hex Colour
Editor Elements
Background #2B3135
Current Line #394045
Cursor #FFFFFF
Selection #1C4C56
Invisibles #7F7F7F
Code Elements
Plain Text #807F7F
Comments #BDBDBD
Documentation Markup #BDBDBD
Documentation Markup Keywords #BDBDBD
Strings #F69767
Characters #A096C8
Numbers #A096C8
Keywords #FDD285
Preprocessor Statements #CD9670
Attributes #C1845D
Project Class Names #7DC09A
Project Function and Method Names #7DC09A
Project Constants #7DC09A
Project Type Names #7DC09A
Project Instance Variables and Globals #7DC09A
Project Preprocessor Macros #CD9670
Other Class Names #85B3CC
Other Function and Method Names #85B3CC
Other Constants #85B3CC
Other Type Names #85B3CC
Other Instance Variables and Globals #85B3CC
Other Preprocessor Macros #CD9670

Colours are in the sRGB space.