
Airflow pipeline to finetune LLM on Kubernetes

Primary LanguagePython

Finetuning Domain-specific LLM Pipeline


This project is a data science pipeline designed to fetch data from Reddit on any topic, store it in MongoDB, preprocess the data into a question-answer format, and fine-tune a Hugging Face Language Model (LLM). The entire workflow is orchestrated using Apache Airflow and deployed on Kubernetes.

image info




  • Decoupled Development and Deployment: Data science team can exclusively focus on crafting and refining training scripts without worrying about deployment or infrastructure complexities.
  • Platform Agnosticism: Currently using Azure Blob Storage and Container Registry, but the code is designed to be platform-agnostic. The mddleware layer can be extended to integrate with different platforms without touching the core business logic.
  • Advanced Workflow Management and Auto-scaling: Orchestrated the pipeline using Apache Airflow. Using KuberentesPodOperator to run DAG tasks and deployed to Kubernetes for dynamic auto-scaling.
  • Monitoring and Observability: Using prometheus and Grafana for infrastructure monitoring and observability.


Local setup

  1. Create a virtual env

    python3 -m venv .venv
    source .venv/bin/activate
  2. Create a copy of .env.example and rename to .env

    • For local developement, change the BLOB_TYPE=local and BLOB_BASE_DIR=$PROJECT_ROOT/blob


  1. Setup kubernetes cluster

  2. Setup container registery

  3. Create namespace on k8s

    kubectl create namespace <K8S_NAMESPACE>
  4. Create container registery secret key on your deployment. This will allow you to pull images from private conteiner

    kubectl create secret docker-registry <SECRET_NAME> \ 
    --namespace=<K8S_NAMESPACE> \
    --docker-server=<DOCKER_SERVER> \
    --docker-username=<USERNAME> \
  5. Use this secret name in airflow's KubernetesPodOperator function and also in helm values.yaml

Developement Workflow

  1. If you're changing the training code, you need to rebuild the image and push it to the container registery

    docker build . -t train_pipeline -f trainer/Dockerfile
    docker tag docker.io/library/train_pipeline  <CONTAINER_REGISTERY>/train_pipeline
    docker push <CONTAINER_REGISTERY>/train_pipeline
    • Now you can head over to the airflow UI and re-running the pipeline will now use your new image
  2. If you're changing the airflow pipeline itself

    docker build . -t customllm_airflow -f trainer/Dockerfile.airflow
    docker tag docker.io/library/customllm_airflow  <CONTAINER_REGISTERY>/customllm_airflow
    docker push <CONTAINER_REGISTERY>/customllm_airflow

    And now re-deploy the helm charts

    helm upgrade --recreate-pods  --install airflow . --create-namespace  --namespace <K8S_NAMESPACE> --values values.yaml


  • The webapp/ contains a simple flask app that hosts a chat-bot stype web page to run the model.