
Please Read this: Important Announcement

kaustubhgupta opened this issue · 0 comments

Welcome Everyone!

We are overwhelmed with the response from your side and we would merge/review all your codes but here are some things I have noticed till now:

  • Most/ Maximum of you are not following contribution guidelines
  • Not filling the issue and PR templates
  • Not commenting in your code
  • Pushing code from the master branch (most annoying thing for me!)
  • Doing multiple tasks other than assigned ones

I know this is new for you and that's why Hacktoberfest was started. To teach people what open source contribution is all about, it's norms and guidelines to follow while contributing. This is a fairly small attempt to teach you how you should contribute to bigger projects where your PRs are not attended even for years. Here is the future plan enforced for PRs after this announcement:

  • Any PR without any assigned issue, incompletely filled template, or even without a description will be straight away rejected with an invalid label. You may/may not be aware of this fact that invalid labeled PRs are not counted in the hactoberfest counter.
  • Please create issues before making PR and most importantly, wait for them to be assigned to you and then make your PR
  • Low-quality codes will be straight away rejected.
  • Update the Readme of the language folder with your program entry properly. It makes it easier for us to maintain the codebase.
  • PRs which are not updated after the reviews/requested changes within 7 days will be considered as invalid and spam.
  • Please take the reviews made by us seriously, we are correcting your code only for you, we don't have any personal issues with anyone, all are equal for us!
    Note: Issues are assigned on first come first basis, do check if the issue or language implementation is not claimed by anyone else

Fork the repo, create a separate branch in your forked repo, get issues assigned, work on them, make PR, get your code reviewed, and get it merged - The whole process in one line!

For language issues confusion here is the breakdown: