
Option to not export "title" and "author" and export front matter

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Whenever I export to either markdown (gfm) or html it also exports "title" and "author" (in gfm it's like this).

author: Afiq Nazrie Rabbani
title: Documentation

As this file is in a Jekyll site, I do not want these lines and I want to export my own front matter. How to prevent these lines appear on the exported document?

And also how can I export front matter? I have placed BEGIN_EXPORT html in my org file but it's not exported.

This comment seems work for the front matter export, but it's a bit hacky / not what user expects. Is there any explanation why BEGIN_EXPORT html don't work but wrapping it inside org export work?

+1 for an option to be able to suppress title and author.