
Explore a better font loading mechanism

mazipan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


One of our problematic loading in initial load is our Inter Font

Screen Shot 2021-08-12 at 21 41 04

There are several things need to tackle:

  1. Since font are rarely change, should we treat as static file without hashing? Hashing will remove the cache in every deployment.
  2. Find a way how to preload this request, since it will be used immediately so we need to preload the request.


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I can work on this.

My solution is to replace typeface-inter with self-hosted font (yes as a static file) and then Cache-Control via netlify.toml

also we can use Inter variable fonts used by vercel here (https://vercel.com/design/text) it's smaller only 38kb

compared to what we use now


Nice, sounds good. Please proceed with this approach, @svspicious. Create a draft pull request and add a need-perf-check label on the PR to trigger the Lighthouse CI check on the changes and see its impact on the performance.

Can you help me to add the label mas @zainfathoni ?

Can you help me to add the label mas @zainfathoni ?

Done. Let's wait for the result now.