[Mobile] Hero banner is missing in home page
josteph opened this issue · 3 comments
Only happens in mobile screen, desktop looks fine.
Expected Behaviour
Shows image correctly
Additional Information
The image URL requested is the same https://res.cloudinary.com/wargabantuwarga/image/upload/c_scale,w_720,q_90,cs_tinysrgb,f_auto/hero_banner_desktop_zat71c but it isn't loading correctly on mobile screen
Response headers for Mobile
content-type: image/jp2
Response headers for Desktop
content-type: image/webp
It seems, this only happens on devtools and only when I choose "apple" device type.
when I'm using "Responsive" it works
I think we need real devices with small screen to reproduce this
Cloudinary return a different file format because
. It will automatically decide which format is better.
https://support.cloudinary.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043026611-some-images-are-not-served-as-webp-with-f-auto-in-chrome -
DevTools also change the browser
to iPhone
So cloudinary will returnimage/jp2
format which is not supported by our chrome https://caniuse.com/jpeg2000, that's why it failed to render.
this is fine tho...
but still, need to test on the old iPhone devices
The banner image is correctly displayed in iPhone 5S Safari as well.
Should we close this issue?
Yes, i think we should.
it works as intended.