
Document how to get working on Apple M1 + Homebrew v3

Opened this issue · 5 comments

On homebrew v3 the default path is /opt/homebrew, which is not included in clang search paths by default. Therefore this project will fail to build. I added the following to my zshrc/bashrc on my Apple M1 Homebrew/brew#10152 (comment) and it did the trick.

Hello @niftylettuce,

We would add the homebrew directories on MacOSX using gyp conditionals, see for example https://stackoverflow.com/a/31112922/7936137. I don't have access to a Mac to test this but I would gladly accept a PR.

For ubuntu desktop it's the following, correct?

sudo apt install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev

@joshxyzhimself I believe it is yes

I added the following to my zshrc/bashrc on my Apple M1 Homebrew/brew#10152 (comment) and it did the trick.

@niftylettuce Amazing! Thank you. I was getting png.h not found errors. This worked.

Is this still a valid requirement? I have problems installing node-quirc on my M1 mac