
Doesn't display Gist properly

danijeljw opened this issue · 3 comments

Doesn't align the lines of code with the line numbers correctly when using the embed gist properly.

An example can be seen in my post here: http://danijelj.com/2013/11/05/embed-bash-script-in-applescriptobjc-app/

Thanks for the report. I admit that I did not test nor patch the gist part. Could anyone make a try ?

Basically it is needed to modify sass/partials/_syntax.scss where .gist apply. Since I guess the gist plugin does output HTML in a similar way that code_block and include_code patching as described here would be ideal.

Hi @danijeljames

Just to say that I am willing to take a look at the embed gist integration once bootstrap 3.1 is out or around end of january (unless $someone make a pull request for it in the meantime). Anyway I've made this issue due for v1.0 because although I (personally) do not use embed gist I agree that it should be fixed.


Hi @kaworu

That is excellent news and I'm glad to read. I am sorry that I do not know enough to be able to assist in patching this code to try and make a fix of it myself.

I am grateful for the repairs on this component.

Danijel J.