
Why my blog header and buttons are not flat.

mohitjain opened this issue · 3 comments


I integrated octostrap3 theme in my blog and its not flat design. You can check it here ie http://www.codebeerstartups.com

I am planning to use theme from this http://bootswatch.com/ but its not working properly..

Any suggestions?

Hi @mohitjain,

Did you check http://kaworu.github.io/octopress/setup/pick-a-theme/ and http://kaworu.github.io/octopress/blog/2013/10/02/pick-a-theme-for-only-one-page/ ? The second link is a live example and tutorial on how to setup a theme from bootswatch. I guess you would have to do the same changes for octoplate.


@kaworu thanks a lot buddy. I rolled back everything to your repo and added a theme as suggested. Worked perfectly..

You can check out here http://www.codebeerstartups.com/