
A question,this theme not support code high light?

szpssky opened this issue · 7 comments

I recently use octopress and use octostrap3 theme,but why I cannot use code high light?
like use java,if use this method,the website will have nothing,turn into blank.only use is normal,but if only use ``` the code cannot high light.The theme problem? or my octopress problem?

Hi @szpssky

Thank you for your report. Could you provide a complete test case (a post or page triggering the problem) so I can try to reproduce the issue ?

I don`t know how to sent post file,can I use github repository?this is link of repository: https://github.com/szpssky/Test ,you can download post file and include a picture about a blank website(when I preview or deyploy ).In this post I want to use java code high-light.

Hi @szpssky,
After a quick test your example works on a clean installation of octopress / octostrap. If you have a blank page when viewing it is likely that the preview console has some relevant debug (or error) informations.

I'll happy to reopen this issue if you can provide a full post that is working with the default theme but not with octstrap3 on a clean octopress installation.

But in my console,not have error information,it's look ok.I have a question,when you test my problem it's ok?

Maybe it's my octopress setting problem+_+

Yes I've downloaded https://raw.githubusercontent.com/szpssky/Test/master/2014-04-11-test.markdown and used a clean octopress installation (git clone + rake install for the default theme). It worked. Then I installed octostrap3 and it was still working, so I could not reproduce your problem :(

Thanks for you,I should check my problem carefully