
Time element is empty for blog posted date

brewpuppy opened this issue · 9 comments

The time element which should contain the post date is empty. Example below is from a new instance of Octopress directly after Octostrap3 is installed.


Can you please provide us with source of this post? Does it have "updated" empty string in it?

Below is the main index page created in the public directory. I'm not sure I understand what you're referring to for the "updated" empty string.

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Hi @brewpuppy

Thank you for reporting. This issue seems odd, could you provide the source that generated the "Test" post please (so we can try to reproduce your bug) ? I guess it should be something like source/_posts/2014-08-14-test.markdown.

These are the steps I took to recreate the bug in a new instance:

git clone git://github.com/imathis/octopress.git octopress
cd octopress
rake install
git clone https://github.com/kAworu/octostrap3 .themes/octostrap3
rake 'install[octostrap3]'
rake new_post['test']
rake generate

Below is the source of the post. Date element is also empty on the main page. Any new page I create does not generate the time element correctly.

layout: post
title: "test"
date: 2014-08-14 15:51:00 -0500
comments: true

Thank you for the info. I've been able to reproduce the bug and it doesn't show with the default theme, so it's definitely a theme issue. I'll try a fix tomorrow otherwise it will have to wait until I get back from vacations in sept. Thank you for your patience :)

In the meantime, if you just wanted to get the date working, you could replace {{ date_formatted }} with {{ date | date_to_string }} in .themes/octobola/source/_includes/post/date.html

Other liquid filters for dates are listed here.

Thank you @tombola; that fix works perfectly. I even think I like the date formatted this way better.

I was having this issue too. I found a solution here. Submitted a pull request for the Octopress solution #37

The fix is perfectible, we have now "The element time must not appear as a descendant of the time element." validation error.