
Prefix with syntax?

michaelblyons opened this issue · 2 comments

Cool idea!

What if the prefix was chosen by the syntax highlighting?

  • Python 1
  • Python 2
  • Plain Text 1
  • SQL 1
  • Plain Text 2
kaxing commented


Very interesting suggestion. I will put some thought into this.
I don't think it's possible to know the filetype(syntax) when opening a new buffer.
Maybe we could add the filetype prefix when on_modified and gather the type from the syntax setting:
[file type prefix]<custom name><numbering>, e.g., [Python] Pastebin 1

I do want to keep the current plugin as simple as possible.
But let's do some testing and see.

kaxing commented

Hey @michaelblyons

I finally found time to work on this idea and generated a PoC. However, I'm unsure where to place separate counters for different syntaxes. This code will only label the buffer name with a [Syntax Name] prefix while editing. I've decided not to integrate this back into the plugin, as there are too many considerations for customization.

But I will leave it here:

class commandBufferFileTypeLabel(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    def on_modified_async(self, view):
        # Extract the file type (syntax) of the current view
        syntax_path = view.settings().get('syntax')
        current_file_type = syntax_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] if syntax_path else "Something Went Wrong"

        # If the view is not associated with a file (unsaved tab), handle the buffer name
        if not view.file_name():
            current_buffer_name = view.name()

            # Remove any existing file type label from the buffer name
            buffer_name_without_label = re.sub(r'^\[[^\]]+\] ', '', current_buffer_name)

            # Construct the labeled buffer name
            updated_buffer_name = f"[{current_file_type}] {buffer_name_without_label}"

            # Only set the buffer name if it's different from the current name
            if updated_buffer_name != current_buffer_name:
                # Print the buffer name before modification
                print(f"Before Modification: {current_buffer_name}")


                # Print the buffer name after modification
                print(f"After Modification: {updated_buffer_name}")