
Redirected to a non-exist path

kayue opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Michael

I have Wordpress and Symfony app installed on the same location and I think it cause problem:

My Wordpress location:
Symfony app:

The bundle redirect me to , which is a redirect loop.

My firewall settings:


        pattern:    /forums/admin/.*
        anonymous:  false
        stateless:  true
            redirect_to_wordpress_on_failure: false

I am investigating. Please advise if you know what is wrong.

Ka Yue

I am running WordPress 3.2.1, maybe this is the problem?

Yes, your WordPress version will be the problem. The issue is that
WordPress prior to the required version just assumes that it will be run
in the global scope and that the variables it sets will therefore be
global. Which of course isn't the case when you want to include it from
a function in another app, like our abstraction layer. So what's
happening at the moment is that some variable it expects isn't set and
it thinks that WordPress isn't installed.

The minimum version that works is listed in the README, but we may well
find more issues like this.

On 25/10/11 09:17, Ka Yue Yeung wrote:

I am running WordPress 3.2.1, maybe this is the problem?

Hi Ka Yue, haven't heard back from you so I'm going to close this for now.