
Published on Packagist

rvanlaak opened this issue · 3 comments

After I did a review of multiple potential Wordpress <--> Symfony2 bridges, I've concluded that this is the best bridge so far. An important part of being a bridge is that the Wordpress codex also is implemented, and that is what this package does.

As it wasn't available on the packagist repo, I've decided to add it myself. Please let me know or I can add you as maintainer of this package, so you can add the Github service hook.


Thanks for your initiative @rvanlaak
I was trying to add this bundle (I agree with you it's the best bridge so far), and I was having trouble.
I couldn't install it by adding this line to my composer.json

    "hypebeast/wordpress-bundle": "v1.1.2"


    "hypebeast/wordpress-bundle": "dev-master"

Should this work ?

I'm not familiar with Packagist, I use the magic part of composer without understanding it, but I thought it should work.
Also, I've seen you referenced the "dev-master" branch, but the author has several tag, and I'd like to use them, will it be possible ?

If any help is needed, i'm willing to provide it.


The "dev-master" is the minimum requirement, and both standard 'branch' that needs to be published on Packagist. Please take a look at https://packagist.org/about for more info about the naming conventions.

People that make use of composer have defined a minimum-stability. http://getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#minimum-stability

Based on that the proper version will be cloned from Github :)

Any progress on reviewing the installation process via Packagist yet?