- 0
Missings passed to test functions
#107 opened by iago-pssjd - 0
How to discover nonnormal variables for weighted data
#106 opened by Mois111 - 0
Row-wise percentages
#105 opened by gah-bo - 0
how to make non-normally distributed variables show median (P75-P25) in tableone package
#104 opened by lizhiwei1994 - 4
Arguments in kableone and print
#47 opened by malcolmbarrett - 0
bug in the svyCreateTableOne
#103 opened by zjsty - 1
- 2
contDigits =0
#95 opened by wstonemd - 1
- 0
`formatOptions=list(big.mark=",")` not working for printing absolute frequencies of categorical variables with commas as thousands separators
#99 opened by R-Joe - 2
- 6
- 0
Trouble Getting Totals
#96 opened by akarsteve - 0
Version dependency on labelled in tests
#92 opened by MichaelChirico - 0
Assumption of R>4 in tests
#91 opened by MichaelChirico - 0
Multiple Testing Adjustment (Bonferroni Correction) for Continuous Variables
#90 opened by researcher12378 - 7
- 2
- 1
#86 opened by ElVictorious - 4
SMD calculation for multinomial variable
#87 opened by ChristelSwift - 1
[BUG report] IF categorical variables is less than 10%, there is a space before the result.
#75 opened by WynRtool - 1
Allow for rounding in tables
#78 opened by chrisleboa - 1
- 1
Vignette has errors
#84 opened by tra6sdc - 1
- 1
- 1
Output of summary.TableOne as data.frame?
#60 opened by arupakaa - 0
- 1
- 2
R error, ## Predicted probability of being assigned to RHC rhc$pRhc <- predict(psModel, type = "response")
#71 opened by wwh199459 - 1
- 1
Table one in r not showing test name
#63 opened by EddieItelman - 2
Digits argument broken
#70 opened by SimonStolz - 1
Numbers with comma at thousands
#51 opened by jdratto - 2
using tableone within jamovi module
#58 opened by sbalci - 2
Comma thousands separator for table1 output
#67 opened by ldbruce-2018 - 1
Vertically align digits on the decimal point?
#55 opened by welshpf - 4
- 2
- 3
argsNonNormal expects a named list
#61 opened by EddieItelman - 1
Number of non-missing observations
#62 opened by jfiksel - 0
- 0
How to change the chisq.test for categorical data with no Continuity correction method?
#59 opened by akarito - 2
Display order of Binary variables
#56 opened by sino30535 - 1
two overall
#49 opened by laiajulianamu - 0
Is there a way tableone can provide row totals?
#52 opened by fralickm - 0
[Enhancement] Ability to count by id column
#48 opened by DavisBrian - 0
- 1
- 1
write_csv error out
#44 opened by amysheep