Incorrect behavior when closing last buffer when NvimTree is open
xyven1 opened this issue · 3 comments
When closing the last buffer with NvimTree open and preserve_window_layout
on, close-buffers will also close the NvimTree buffer (but correctly preserve the windows), even though I have NvimTree in the ignore list.
This bug occurs when running :BDelete
with this
, all
, etc (anything with preserve_window_layout
on and that removes the last buffer)
Before running :BDelete this
I managed to partially fix the issue by filtering what windows to affect when preserving windows (line 53 buffers.lua):
local all_windows = vim.tbl_filter(function(win)
return api.nvim_buf_get_option(api.nvim_win_get_buf(win), 'buftype') ~= 'nofile'
end, api.nvim_list_wins())
Still some wonky behavior with NvimTree though
Even worst if has split window:
Considering use another plugin, which works pretty well with nvim-tree.
Also set hijack_unnamed_buffer_when_opening = true
in nvim-tree will reuse nameless buffer.
Thanks for the tip. I will look into the other plugin, and I will definitely add the hijack option to nvim-tree