
How to use component interpolation for array (multiple) translations

dword-design opened this issue · 0 comments

Clear and concise description of the problem

I have a list of paragraphs that I want to translate and render each one with a <p>. But some have a link in it that I want to inject via component interpolation like this:

// en.js
  paragraphs: [
    'foo bar {link}',
    'another paragraph',
// index.vue
<!-- how to render this for each paragraph -->
<i18n-t tag="p" keypath="paragraphs">
  <template #link><a href="link" /></template>

It is possible to get the array of translations via $tm, but how to interpolate each translation?

Suggested solution

Maybe there is already a solution that I don't know of. Can I maybe iterate over $tm and interpolate each translated string individually?


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