
🐾 PawTrackr - Group Project ✨LIVE DEMO✨ Full stack app that enables users to manage their pet care needs 😺 Schedule feeding time 🐶 Create exercise reminders 🧑‍⚕️ Vet appointments 📅 Calendar, Drag & Drop, Pagination ⚙️ Tools: React, NodeJS, Express, Axios, Bootstrap, PostgreSQL

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Your complete Pet Care Solution

Click to view the dev team

Meet the Team







Please note: The app goes into "sleep" (idle) mode to conserve resources when inactive.
If you're the first visitor in a while, the first launch may take a few extra seconds to load, but subsequent launches will be much quicker! ⚡

Add a Pet: Feel free to copy & paste one of the lines below into the image field of the new pet form, to have the newly-added pet display with a photo! 🖼️

Add New Pet Photo Field Screenshot

Final Product - PawTrackr

PawTrackr is a full stack app that enables pet owners to track all their pets' info in a central place

😼 Has your cat ever lied to you about if they've been fed yet or not?
🐶 How does everybody in the house know if the dog’s been walked yet?
🤔 Even with a trusted pet sitter, do you worry about your pets getting their medication on time when you're out of town?
🤩 We've built you the solution!

🐾 Welcome to PawTrackr

Demo Video (subtitles)


Homepage View - All Pets

Homepage View - All Pets

Pet Modal View

Pet Modal View

Reminders View

Reminders View

Add New Reminder View

Add New Reminder View

Contacts View

Contacts View

Add New Contact View

Add New Contact View

Screen Reader Video (🔊 turn sound on!)


Project ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)

"Screenshot of ERD"


This project was created, designed, and built by:

for our Final Project at Lighthouse Labs

Project Goals

While working to build this project to successful completion, we:

  • Built an application from start to finish using a tech stack of our choosing
  • Designed and architected a complete application
  • Leveraged all of the skills and knowledge learned to date
  • Created functional requirements, user stories, ERD, and wireframes
  • Deployed the application to the cloud as a Stretch Goal Achievement

Project Outcomes & Learning Achievements

  • Worked efficiently as a team
  • Leveraged code sharing and carried out code reviews
  • Collaborated effectively to deliver a product by the deadline
  • Built a complete Project to add to our portfolio
  • Rapidly acquired and applied new skills to enhance our final product:
    • React-Bootstrap, React-Calendar, Pagination, Light/Dark Theme changing, and Drag & Drop functionality

Accessibility (a11y)

Inclusive design is an ongoing process that belongs at the heart of software creation. We are eager to keep learning and growing our ability to build accessible digital solutions.
Here are some resources and techniques that have helped us so far:

With gratitude to the creators of the above tools, and the Chrome for Developers team for their A11ycasts series.

Ideas for Future Development

  • Logins for various household members
  • Reminder SMS/Email alerts
  • Multiple pet photos
  • Pet health history tracking (weight, immunization dates)
  • Mobile-friendly views
  • Improve accessible design functionality
  • Unit, Component, and E2E testing


Deploy Details:

A note about create-react-app

For larger-scale production-ready applications with enhanced customization, React's official documentation and best practices now recommend other ways to Start a New React Project

Since this was a project for educational purposes, it has been bootstrapped with Create React App which provided a straightforward way to get a functional React app up and running quickly.


Getting Started

  • Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
  • Clone your fork to your local device

Set up Frontend & Backend

  • From within the project root folder, install all dependencies with npm i (or npm install), in the /frontend and /backend folders

Set Up Database

  • In a terminal window, connect to your PostgreSQL environment using the psql command and your login credentials
    • In some environments, the startpostgres command may need to be run beforehand
  • Create a new database using the CREATE DATABASE pawtrackr; command, where 'pawtrackr' is the name you want to call this new DB
  • Connect to the new database with the \c pawtrackr command, where 'pawtrackr' is whichever name you chose for your new DB in the the previous step

Set up DB Tables

  • Within psql, set up database tables by running the migrations file with \i backend/src/db/schema/create.sql.
  • To verify the tables have been created, run command \dt and you should see tables named: users, pets, reminders, and contacts.

Add Data to Tables

  • Within psql, run the seed file with \i backend/src/db/schema/seeds.sql.
  • To confirm that your tables have been populated with data, run command SELECT * FROM users; (or any of the table names) and you should see some data displayed.
  • You can now exit postgres by typing \q to return to your command line.

Add Database Credentials to dotenv file (.env)

  • Using the provided .env.example file as a template, create a new .env file in the same folder.
  • Add your database name, username, and password.
  • Note: If running the app locally, the DB_HOST would be localhost, and for PostgreSQL the DB_PORT will usually be 5432.
  • For security reasons, the .env file has been added to the .gitignore file, so these sensitive details will not accidentally be published to GitHub.

Start the App

  • Connect to the database server from the root folder by using the psql command and your database credentials
  • Start the backend by running the npm start command from within the /backend folder. The API server will run on Port 8080
  • Start the frontend side using the npm start command from within the /frontend folder. The client will run on Port 3000
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000 in your browser

Acknowledgements & Thanks

Photos provided by Pexels