
Automatic experience adjustment

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tokee commented

When searching for nodes, the matching nodes are marked on the GUI using overlays on OpenSeadragon. Overlays does not scale well, so currently there are 2 limits:

  1. If there are <= 150 matches, nice animated overlays are used
  2. If there are > 150 matches, static overlays are used. But only for the first 1000 hits; the rest of the hits are not marked

Those limits are chosen from a few ad-hoc trials. They are a compromise, meaning that users on a laptop will not get as nice a display as their machine can handle and users on an older phone will get a choppy experience.

It would be better to select the amount & type of overlays based on the performance of the user's browser. Maybe by measuring frames per second and adding (or subtracting) overlays until some equilibrium is reached?