
[firmware] Add better versioning scheme

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Goals for a better versioning scheme:

  • Support a more human-readable identifier (like SemVer)
    • Currently using a uint16_t as a flat number for the version number
    • Consider changing to something like uint64_t, with a byte pattern such as:
      • Major: 1 byte
      • Minor: 2 bytes
      • Patch: 4 bytes
      • Metadata: 1 byte (for example, dev for local builds, latest for automatic builds)
  • Automatically bump patch version with every commit (?)
  • Automatically create versioned and latest GitHub releases on commits
    • Use ps2link's GitHub Actions workflow as an example
    • Briefly:
      • For all commits, create a latest release that is tagged as prerelease
      • For commits which are tagged

Not sure what the best strategy is for making sure the versions in the application and in Git stay in sync. Maybe keep major/minor in code, and patch and metadata passed in from the environment. Patch number might be "number of commits since last tag", and tags will always be "<major>.<minor>.0". This could be problematic if the commit history isn't linear -- need to think about that.