
How can I encode the deck?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


First off thanks for the amazing script!.

I have been having a few problems trying to add something in. I need to encode each card in the deck from the following string:


var encodes = [

Foreach card that is created I need to add in the corresponding encode.

Ace of Heart = 1
2 of Hearts = 2
3 of Hearts = 3
King of Diamonds = Q

I am going to need to pull the single char 'Encode' to provably shuffle the deck at a later date.

Any help would be great, I have tried various methods but cannot seem to do it - I have a strong php background but my javascript sucks.

I need this so I can provably shuffle the deck of cards and later prove it was fair.

kbjr commented

Your best bet would be to add a property to each Card instance immediately after creating the deck, before shuffling, and then pull check them after shuffling, something like this:

var encodes = [

// Create a new 52 card poker deck
var deck = new cards.PokerDeck();

// Add the encode property
deck.deck.forEach(function(card) {
    card.encode = encodes.shift();

// Shuffle the deck

// Get your shuffled list of encodes
encodes = deck.deck.map(function(card) {
    return card.encode;


You are a life safe, one thing I have noticed in javascript is things are never as hard as you first imagine.

Thanks very much, Ill make sure to leave a mention the site is using this package when its complete.