
Custom scripts for recreating some of the analyses from the trypanosoma genomic comparisons work.

Primary LanguagePerl


Custom scripts for recreating some of the analyses from the trypanosoma genomic comparisons work.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1442351

1. Genome Completion Pipeline
2. Genome Annotation Pipeline
3. Edit Alignments for Phylogeny
4. Percent Identity Calculation
5. Gene Cluster Analysis
6. Copy Number Estimation
7. Parse Pseudogene Predictions
8. Heterozygosity Pipeline
9. Metabolism Gene Length Coverage

1. Genome Completion Pipeline


Description: Pipeline for genome completion evaluation. We designate this tool 'Genome assembly Completion and Integrity Analyzer' (GenoCIA), as it estimates assembly completion and gene calling integrity. This tool performs two tasks: (i) randomly selects 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 99% of the reads and performs assemblies using Newbler with these read subsets; and (ii) uses tBLASTn to determine the presence of a curated set of 2,217 kinetoplastid orthologous single copy genes at 25, 50, 75, 90 and 99% alignment lengths (merging reference gene alignment lengths over multiple contigs or genes where necessary).

Usage: gce_tcruzi <path to assembly fasta folder> <organism short name>


  • path to assembly fasta folder (a folder just containing the assembly fasta file(s))
  • organism short name (any short name you'd like to assign - this will appear in the output file names)


  • estimates of assembly completion and gene calling integrity

2. Genome Annotation Pipeline


Description: Pipeline for genome annotation.

Usage: perl gap.pl

--outdir Output directory path (REQUIRED)
--fasta Assembly in fasta format (REQUIRED)
--short_name Short Name for the organism (REQUIRED)
--org Type of organism, i.e., 1=Bacteria 2=Eukaryote(default)

Results for the following options are available:
--call_genes Call genes using Glimmer or GeneMark
--trna_scan Run trnaScan-SE
--rpsblast rpsblast against COG/PFAM (requires called genes)
--blastx blast assembly against protein database (NR by default)
--rnammer find RNAs using rnammer-1.2
--asgard perform metabolic reconstruction using ASGARD


Description: This is a separate but complementary script to the Genome Annotation Pipeline. It searches a database of the best annotation available.

Usage: python get_best_annotated_hit_v2.py <nr_blastp_results> <outfile> > <logfile>


  • nr BLASTp results sorted by E-value, with BLAST run as follows (multi-threading is optional) /PATH-TO-BLASTP/blastp -query <genes.faa> -db </PATH-TO-NR-DB/nr> -out <outfile> -evalue 1e-5 -num_threads 8 -outfmt "6 qseqid sseqid pident length mismatch gaps qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore slen"


  • Best hits for each gene

3. Edit Alignments for Phylogeny


Description: Get a list of alignments that should be excluded based on containing sequences <25% of the median sequence length in the alignment.

Usage: for f in *.gblocks.fasta.infoalign; do perl get_shorts.pl $f >> exclusion_list_difflengths;done


  • infoalign output files containing sequence lengths in the alignments


  • List of alignments to be exluded from the percent identity and phylogeny analyses

4. Percent Identity Calculation


Description: Script for calculating percent identity from aligned nucleotide or amino acid sequences.

Usage: python get_perc_id_general.py <fastafile>


  • fastafile: alignment in fasta format


  • percent identity

5. Gene Cluster Analysis


Description: Generates stats for a venn diagram of shared gene clusters across the organisms.

Usage: perl gen_orthofinder_stats_automated.pl


  • OrthologousGroups.txt (output from OrthoFinder) - make sure this is in the same directory as where you're running the script from.


  • Stats file containing cluster counts for each intersection or species specific group.


Description: Determines the frequency of various gene cluster sizes, and the percent surface or secreted proteins for each gene cluster size, within each organism.

Usage: python groups2binnedcounts.py <groups> <gene list> <threshold>


  • groups: OrthologousGroups.txt (output from OrthoFinder)
  • gene list: List of genes containing a positive prediction from TMHMM, KOHGPI or SignalP
  • threshold: > X percent genes in each cluster must have a positive prediction from TMHMM, KOHGPI or SignalP for the cluster to be designated as a "surface" or "secreted" protein cluster. For the paper X was kept at 0, i.e. > 0% genes in cluster (at least one gene).


  • Stats .txt file

6. Copy Number Estimation

Scripts within the copy_numbers folder have to be run in the following order:

  1. supp_tbl2mgf_gffs.py
  2. alleles_and_coverage.pl
  3. gffplus2copynum.py

1. supp_tbl2mgf_gffs.py

Description: Takes a table of gene descriptions based on get_best_annotated_hit.py and produces GFF files for each multigene family.

Usage: supp_tbl2mgf_gffs.py <genes table>


  • genes table, making sure the following data is in this column order
    gene name = col 1
    contig = col 2
    start = col 3
    end = col 4
    strand = col 6
    Evalue of database hit = col 12
    Database annotation = col 14


  • GFF file of multigene families

2. alleles_and_coverage.pl

Description: This is a script renamed from a previous heterozygosity method script (not used in this paper) called heterozygosity.pl, developed by Dr. Vishal Koparde. It outputs a "GFF+" file, within which the coverage column in the output is used in the next script, gffplus2copynum.py. Make sure a bam file called reads2assembly.bam, and the corresponding .bai index file, are present in the directory where you're running the script.

Usage: alleles_and_coverage.pl --assembly <genome assembly> --gff <multigenefamily gff file> --readset <emptyreads.fasta>


  • reads2assembly.bam and reads2assembly.bam.bai
  • genome assembly fasta file
  • GFF file for multigene family of interest
  • emptyreads.fasta: just an empty file (content isn't needed for the purposes of this method), can do touch emptyreads.fasta


  • GFF+ file containing a coverage column

3. gffplus2copynum.py

Description: Takes the GFF+ file and calculates copy number. Correction of this copy number for fraction of gene length covered (full gene lengths in Supplementary Table of paper) was done in Excel.

Usage: gffplus2copynum.py <GFF+ file> <SCO average coverage>


  • GFF+ file
  • SCO average coverage: single copy ortholog gene average coverage for the organism


  • coverage and average gene length found of the genes in the multigene family of interest

7. Parse Pseudogene Predictions


Description: Takes maf and blastab format files from LAST search and makes a gff of potential pseudogenes (without filtering for called gene overlaps yet). Takes a specific number of contigs at a time for parallel processing.

Usage: get_initial_pseudo_gff_chunks.py <mafInfile> <blasttabInfile> <outGFF>


  • mafInfile: MAF file from LAST search
  • blasttabInfile: BLASTTAB file from LAST search


  • GFF file of predicted pseudogenes

8. Heterozygosity Pipeline


Description: Estimates heterozygosity (number of heterozygous sites per gene) for all genes in an input GFF file.

Usage: freebayes_vcftools_ht_pipeline.sh <gff prefix> <assembly fasta>


  • reads mapped to the assembly labelled as reads2assembly.bam, and corresponding index reads2assembly.bam.bai
  • GFF prefix (name of GFF file without '.gff')
  • assembly fasta: genome assembly fasta file


  • VCF
  • SNP-only VCF
  • bi- tri- and tetra- allele counts files
  • SNP counts per gene

9. Metabolism Gene Length Coverage


Description: This script was used post-ASGARD analysis to further check whether some genes initially marked as absent were likely to be present. The script indicates whether genes are covered by a threshold level of sequencing reads across their entire length: provides one type of evidence for genomic presence of a gene.

Usage: python blast2cov.py <tBLASTn results file> <outfile>


  • tBLASTn results for genes of interest vs. reads


  • List of genes that are legitimately "FOUND" based on the reads and the given criteria (currently set to genes where at least 4 BLAST-aligned reads cover over 60% of the gene length).