
Replace `listing()` methods with consistent solution

Art4 opened this issue · 1 comments

Art4 commented

The listing() methods returns an array as name => id or id => name. These methods are inconsistent implemented and are based on a cache filled up by a previous call of list() what can be confusing.

We have to find a consistent solution for this problem.


  • CustomField::listNames()
  • Group::listNames() #398
  • IssueCategory::listNamesByProject()
  • IssueStatus::listNames()
  • Project::listNames()
  • Role::listNames()
  • TimeEntryActivity::listNames()
  • Tracker::listNames()
  • User::listLogins()
  • Version::listNamesByProject()
Art4 commented


I've looked into every Api class and would like to propose replacing all listing() methods with methods like listNames(): array, listNamesByProject(): array and listLogins(): array. The response should be always an array with the int ids as keys and the names as value. This methods will be the base for a future replacement or drop of the getIdByName() methods. The nomenclature will allow us to add further methods such as Project::listIdentifiers() or User::listEmails() in the future.

The $reverse argument was introduced because of name collisions and can be dropped. The result will always have the int IDs as array key, so collisions should be avoided.

The $params argument to filter the entries will no longer supported. Instead all entries should be loaded by using multiple requests with 'limit' => 100 if necessary. The result will be cached in the api class in a special property, separated from the properties using by the all() methods.

The $forceUpdate argument can be dropped as well, because "deleting the cache" could be realized by dropping and reinstantiate the api class.

All in all, it looks like this:

mid-level API listing() arguments listing() returns replacement
Attachment - - -
CustomField $forceUpdate, $params ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Group $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Issue - - -
IssueCategory $projectIdentifier, $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNamesByProject($projectIdentifier): [id => 'name']
IssuePriority - - -
IssueRelation - - -
IssueStatus $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Membership - - -
News - - -
Project $forceUpdate, $reverse, $params [id => 'name'], ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Query - - -
Role $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Search - - -
TimeEntry - - -
TimeEntryActivity $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
Tracker $forceUpdate ['name' => id] listNames(): [id => 'name']
User $forceUpdate, $params ['login' => id] listLogins(): [id => 'login']
Version $projectIdentifier, $forceUpdate, $reverse, $params [id => 'name'], ['name' => id] listNamesByProject($projectIdentifier): [id => 'name']
Wiki - - -