
๐Ÿ“ฃ EOL announcement: No support for rabbitmq 4

kbudde opened this issue ยท 1 comments

Hello everybody,

since a long time this exporter was only maintained on a very minimal level.
The reason is simple: Personally I'm not using rabbitmq anymore. Therefore I lack a realistic test environment and I'm not following the changes in the rabbitmq upstream project as I should.
Therefore changes like #382, #379 just surprise me.

The rabbitmq team did a good job to integrate metrics directly into the server.

As rabbitmq 3.13 will be the last release before 4.x, I decided to stop development on this exporter.

At this point, I will create another release, updating all the dependencies for all the people still running version 3 of rabbitmq. New features will not be integrated anymore.

It's been a long ride - many, many thanks for creating and maintaining this fine exporter over the years. ๐Ÿ™‡๐Ÿป

Given that the RabbitMQ maintainers still ponder the value of counters and rate, the kdude exporter will be missed.